About Us

Welcome to friendsoftuckermanravine.org! We are a group of outdoor enthusiasts who share a passion for the thrill and beauty of the great outdoors. With a particular love for skiing, mountaineering, snowboarding, mountain running, kayaking, biking, hiking, and trails, we created this platform as a hub for like-minded individuals to explore, learn, and share their experiences. Our journey began in the picturesque landscapes of Tuckerman Ravine, where our shared passion for these activities brought us together. Over time, we realized that our experiences and knowledge could be valuable to others. This led to the birth of friendsoftuckermanravine.org. On this site, you'll find in-depth articles about various outdoor adventures, with a special focus on the history and dates of the Tuckerman Inferno event. We also provide information about essential gear, equipment, tips, tricks, and preparations for each adventure type. In addition, we believe in the power of community and volunteerism. As such, we've dedicated a section of our blog to showcase volunteering opportunities, community stories, and ways to support and sponsor these endeavors. We're a community of outdoor enthusiasts looking to share our love for adventure with the world. Whether you're a participant or a fan, we hope you'll find something here that resonates with you. Join us as we explore the great outdoors, one adventure at a time!


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